英国全套,留学生在英国如何过春节? admin, 2025年2月15日 吉 春节是民间最隆重盛大的传统节日,一转眼春节又要到了,在英国的留学生们,如果春节不打算回家准备如何庆祝呢?其实,每年英国的各大城市多多少少都有精彩热闹的新年庆祝活动,例如舞龙舞狮和杂技这些能展示节日气氛的活动。而且像伦敦、曼彻斯特这样的大城市中,春节活动的规模也会隆重一些。下面留学君为大家整理了一些英国春节活动的盘点,供大家参考。 春 节 Celebrate the Year of the Rabbit in London, the biggest Chinese New Year celebrations outside Asia. 在伦敦庆祝兔年,这是亚洲以外最大的新年庆祝活动。 Every year, hundreds of thousands of people descend on the West End to enjoy a colourful parade, free stage performances and traditional Chinese food, and to wish each other “Xin Nian Kuai Le” (Happy New Year in Mandarin) or “Sun Nin Faai Lok” (in Cantonese). 每年,成千上万的人来到西区,享受五彩缤纷的游行、免费的舞台表演和传统的食物,并互相祝福 “新年快乐”(普通话)或 “新年快乐”(粤语)。 This year, the Chinese New Year festival in central London, organised by the London Chinatown Chinese Association (LCCA), takes place on 22 January, which is the day of the Chinese New Year. 今年,由伦敦城华人协会(LCCA)组织的伦敦市中心的春节活动在1月22日举行,这一天是新年的日子。 The central London festivities usually take place across the West End, from Shaftesbury Avenue down to Trafalgar Square. 伦敦市中心的庆祝活动通常在整个西区举行,从沙夫茨伯里大道一直到特拉法加广场。 The celebrations also usually include the vibrant Chinese New Year parade, featuring colourful floats and the largest gathering of Chinese lions and dragons in Europe. 庆祝活动通常还包括充满活力的新年游行,以五颜六色的花车和欧洲最大的狮子和龙的聚集为特色。 官方链接: ://.visitlondon./things-to-do/event/4733685-chinese-new-year-in-london 春 Chinese New Year in Manchester 曼城斯特 节 Celebrate Chinese New Year in Manchester with the return of the city’s legendary Dragon Parade, plus live performances, stalls, a funfair and Manchester’s famous red lanterns. 在曼彻斯特庆祝新年,传奇性的龙形大游行将再次举行,此外还有现场表演、摊位、游乐场和曼彻斯特著名的红灯笼。 Dates and Opening Times(开放日期) 21 Jan 2023 – 29 Jan 2023(1月21日-29日) Dragon Parade: Manchester Central to Chinatown, from 12pm 龙形巡游:曼彻斯特市中心到唐人街,从中午12点开始 Performance Stage: Chinatown Carpark, Faulkner Street, from 12pm-6pm 表演舞台:城停车场,福克纳街,从12点到6点 Stalls: Chinatown Carpark, Faulkner Street, Nicolas Street, George Street, Princess Street and Piccadilly Gardens, 12pm-7pm 摊位:唐人街停车场、福克纳街、尼古拉街、乔治街、公主街和皮卡迪利花园,下午12点至7点 Funfair: Charlotte Street, 12pm-7pm 游乐场:夏洛特街,下午12点至晚上7点 Illuminated Night Dragon Performance: Chinatown Carpark, Faulkner Street, 5pm and 6pm 灯光下的夜龙表演:城停车场,福克纳街,下午5点和6点。 Stalls: Piccadilly Gardens, 12pm-7pm英国全套 摊位:皮卡迪利花园,下午12点至7点 Illuminated Night Dragon Performance: Piccadilly Gardens, 4pm 灯光下的夜龙表演:皮卡迪利花园,下午4点 官方链接:://.visitmanchester./ideas-and-inspiration/chinese-new-year 春 Lunar New Year celebrations 伯明翰 节 It will soon be time to wele in the Lunar New Year again – and Birmingham Hippodrome and Chinese Festival Committee Birmingham have announced that that celebrations will return to Birmingham in January. The Bullring & Grand Central and Southside will be the place to be to witness the festivities with a wide variety of performances planned for the Chinese New Year. 很快又到了迎接农历新年的时候–伯明翰赛马场和伯明翰节委员会宣布,庆祝活动将于1月回到伯明翰。Bullring & Grand Central和Southside将是见证节日的地方,为新年计划了各种各样的表演英国找小姐哪里有。 Starting on January 21, the fun will begin in the city centre with performances scheduled in partnership with Bullring & Grand Central. The celebrations will continue the following day in Southside on January 22 with food stalls, activities and more planned. 活动从1月21日开始,乐趣将在市中心开始,与Bullring和Grand Central合作,安排表演。庆祝活动将于次日1月22日在南区继续进行,计划有食品摊位、活动等。 春 Liverpool Chinese New Year 利物浦 节 This year, we are thrilled to be able to celebrate the traditional Chinese New Year Celebrations in person once again. The symbolic Chinese lanterns will decorate the heart of Chinatown, buildings will be lit up red in honour of this age-old tradition, the dragon and unicorn will parade the streets and the stage returns to Great George Square to host a programme of live performances throughout the day. 今年,我们很高兴能够再次庆祝传统的新年庆祝活动。象征性的灯笼将装饰唐人街的中心,建筑物将被点亮红色以纪念这个古老的传统,龙和麒麟将在街上游行,舞台回到大乔治广场,全天举办现场表演节目。 There will also be plenty of Chinese food to sample from the many food stalls, art workshops with make and do activities as well as storytelling and the popular funfair. 此外,还将有许多食品摊位提供大量的食品,艺术讲习班和制作活动,以及讲故事和流行的游乐场。 The main event takes place on Sunday 22 January from 11:00am until 5:00pm, with a grand finale courtesy of Bring The Fire and their stunning fire show. Following this you can head over to the Bombed Out Church for a spectacular projection show. 主要活动于1月22日星期日上午11:00至下午5:00举行,由Bring The Fire和他们令人惊叹的火焰表演提供压轴。在这之后,你可以去Bombed Out教堂观看壮观的投影表演。 详细活动安排请查看官网: ://.cultureliverpool.co.uk/cny-whats-on/ 春 Chinese New Year Celebration 南安普顿 节 Chinese New Year celebrations return to Southampton’s city centre to usher in Chinese New Year Southampton 2023, Year of the Rabbit. 新年庆祝活动回到南安普敦的市中心,迎来2023年新年,兔年。 Our CNY 2023 show at MAST Mayflower Studios brings together the best of traditional Chinese New Year arts, featuring traditional lion dance, Chinese martial arts, Chinese dance and street dance performances, as well as authentic Chinese music and traditional songs. 我们在MAST五月花工作室的2023年春节演出汇集了传统新年艺术的精华,包括传统的舞狮、武术、舞蹈和街舞表演,以及地道的音乐和传统歌曲。 Before the show, we are offering workshops where you can try traditional customs related to Chinese New Year, such as crafts and physical activities like Dance and Tai Chi . 在演出之前,我们提供了一些工作坊,你可以尝试与新年有关的传统习俗,如手工艺和体育活动,如舞蹈和太极拳。 有关当天可预订的研讨会和活动的完整清单,请参见链接: ://.mayflowerstudios.org.uk/what-s-on/chinese-new-year-2023/ 春 Chinese New Year Gala 剑桥 节 Every year, the Chinese Students and Scholars Association in Cambridge (CAM-CSSA) holds the Cambridge Chinese New Year Gala at the Corn Exchange to celebrate this most important traditional Chinese festival with students, scholars, and residents in Cambridge, as well as people from other areas in the UK. The Gala features unique Chinese traditional decorations and breathtaking performances as well as gorgeous stage and sound effects. 每年,剑桥学生学者联谊会(CAM-CSSA)都会在玉米交易所举办剑桥新年晚会,与剑桥的学生、学者、居民以及英国其他地区的人们一起庆祝这个最重要的传统节日。晚会以独特的传统装饰和令人叹为观止的表演,以及华丽的舞台和音响效果为特色。 The year 2023 is the Year of Rabbit. The sign of Rabbit is a symbol of longevity, peace, and prosperity in Chinese culture. The Gala will again feature grand performances such as traditional Chinese dance, traditional Chinese Opera, Xiangsheng (crosstalk), Sketch, etc. Most of the performances are prepared by Chinese students and scholars from the University of Cambridge. Famous Chinese singers and celebrities will also join and give performances at the Gala. 2023年是兔年。兔子在文化中是长寿、和平和繁荣的象征。晚会将再次推出盛大的表演,如传统舞蹈、传统歌剧、相声、小品等。大部分的表演都是由剑桥大学的学生和学者准备的。的知名歌手和名人也将参加晚会并进行表演。 详情链接: ://.cambridgelive.org.uk/cornex/events/chinese-new-year-gala 来源:visitlondon等,图片源于网络,如侵删 监制:李璨 审核/责任编辑:刘煜 记者:田江含 伦敦楼凤 英国全套英国找小姐哪里有
伦敦找小姐(《19世纪女伯爵的日常生活》 2025年1月13日2025年1月13日 我们主打的就是一个大写的玛丽苏故事。人物原型有部分参照历史,查不到资料的部分我就自己发挥了。英国找小… Read More